Adding dependents

The Add Dependent screen lists all of dependents associated with a member and includes the dependents' name, their date of birth, gender, an indicator if the dependent is handicapped, and their status.

  1. In the Dependent Information section select the Add Dependent link.
  2. The Add Dependent pop-up screen appears listing all the dependents associated with the subscriber. In the Add New Dependent section fill out the appropriate fields. Select Add Dependent.The individual appears under the New Dependents section of the screen.
  3. If you need to add more dependents, fill in the fields and select Add. If no additional dependents are added or changes needed, select Continue. Otherwise select Cancel. To remove a newly added dependent, select the Remove link next to their name.
  4. The Save Dependents pop-up screen appears displaying all dependents listed under the subscriber's coverage. If the information is correct select Save.
  5. The newly added dependent is listed with a status of Pending and a message stating the add dependent(s) request process successfully appears at the bottom of the Enrollments screen. A new window opens showing the new premium for the account, the amount due for payment, and the status as for all newly added members as Pending.


How to submit your queries or questions online

  1. At the bottom of the Payment Account Statement screen there is a statement about submitting your questions or queries. Select the click here link.
  2. The Privacy Act Statement window opens. After reading the statement, select the I have read the Privacy Act Statement button.
  3. Another window opens the Online Customer Service Inquiry Form screen. Enter all pertinent information and select Submit.
  4. A message appears confirming the inquiry was received. You will receive an email response acknowledging your submission.