Viewing claim payment information

To review any payment information:

  1. Locate the claim you wish to view
  2. From the returned search results, click on the payment number you'd like displayed.
  3. The Check Payment Statement screen opens and displays the following information:
  4. Payment ID # — a unique number assigned by Delta Dental to identify this payment
  5. Issue Date — the date the payment was issued
  6. Pay — the total amount paid in this check payment (the amount of the payment is spelled out and shown in numbers)
  7. To the order of — the name and address of the payee
  8. A listing of the claims paid under this payment, with the following information:
  9. Patient Name — the name of the patient on the associated claim
  10. Member No — the member number of the patient
  11. Plan Payment Amount — the amount to be paid by the carrier
  12. Net Payment Amount — the amount to be paid by the carrier minus any adjustments
  13. Totals — the sum of the net payment amounts
  14. Garnishment — total amount of monies applied to the payment of a debt by court order
  15. Overpayment — total amount withheld due to previous claim overpayments
  16. Net Payment Amount — totals minus garnishments and overpayments

Related Topics

Adding a claim

Locating a claim

Last updated 3/6/2015